The second and final international project meeting took place due to better transport accessibility for the partner organizations of the project in Prague.
At the beginning of the meeting, the individual partner organizations presented themselves, presented their contribution to the project, its results, the fulfillment of goals and the application of project outputs in practice. This was followed by an anonymous questionnaire survey on the contribution of the project.
Overall positive evaluations repeatedly mentioned the development of students‘ creative, language skills and the strengthening of their environmental attitudes.
The partner organizations summarized the activities carried out in the project as beneficial, mentioned and evaluated the feedback of the pupils, who spoke positively about them and stated that the activities were motivating. As a reason, they cited the topicality of the environmental topic and the possibility to approach the topic creatively with the possibility of their own artistic input during the implementation of the activities. Based on the evaluation of the information of all participating organizations, they came to an agreement that the project was effective and met the expected goals. They stated that the project contributed to a casual connection of a creative artistic approach with environmental issues.
The partners dealt with the issue of project sustainability. They stated that in order to achieve it, it is necessary to continue the inclusion of the activities implemented during the project in the regular teaching activities of schools. Since the topic positively appealed to the students with whom the partner organizations work and the project team proved to be effective in its composition, the partners decided to proceed with the further continuation of the cooperation. They submitted another application for a project in KA2 of the Erasmus+ program.