C2 – 18.4.-22.4. 2022
The second LTTA was performed as planned. It was organized in Hungary hosted by Kaán Károly Környezetvédelmi Egyesület took five working and two travelling days.
From each partner organization, there were four students and two youth workers/teachers. The focus of the training was storytelling which is an integral part of our lives that connect us to our past, future as well as to each other and helping us to understand the world around us.
Young people gained technical skills like synchronisation of video and sound, the interaction of technical possibilities and creativity, editing pictures online, finding and importing music, using royalty free music, exporting movies and publishing them on the Internet via Facebook, Youtube, or Vimeo.
Students gained knowledge of pixels and screen resolutions of images, converting videos, knowledge of different file types, of writing writing techniques, building a storyline, making sound recordings, scanning pictures from a family photo album or archive.
Students got knowledge of intonation, tone and the use of voice. They learned how to work, talk and listen in a group Activities were done to support self-expression and participation, usage of digital applications and pictures for storytelling, searching for pictures to accompany words, following up images, learning about chronology, and making a storyboard. The analystic skills of students were supported. Young people learned about reading media and their influence, learning to think and perceive from the perspective of a viewer. This helped young people to tell a story from a different perspective. Students learned how to capture audience. Young people learned about rhythm, building tension, usage of time, formulation of goals, choice of music, fitting with the emotion of the story. Young people became aware of the usage of pictures without telling the viewer everything, of our own assumptions, and rules for usage of images.
The reflection was an important part of the mobility. Students became aware of their own online identity including the effects of publishing online. They learned to take a position in the public debate. They trained their critical thinking in judging sources. Students learned to take distance from onces own story and the story potential such as therapeutical effect, influencing social position.
The digital storytelling training lasted for 3 days. Besides the trainings , there were workshops related to environment, field trips, meeting experts and cultural events. The used methodology included exploring techniques such as observing, searching, problem solving.
The mobility training include practical activities, guidelines, visits, meeting with teachers, brainstorming, task-sharing, peerlearning, selflearning, and practice learning.